
It's a just a shade - maybe a week or two - over fourteen years since Steve and I started working together. Weekends aside - although that's not excluding all weekends - we speak daily. Apart from the Minx, there's no one else I speak to so often. So it's just as well that we've always got on. 

Taking that into account, it's no surprise that the prospect of spending the day travelling with him was something I was looking forward to. And today we had to go to Dublin Airport for a meeting. End to end, I guess it was about 12 hours from when he picked me up from and dropped me back in Chorley. 

And all that for what turned out to be a ten minute meeting!

But it's OK; we did have a good day and we got the job. What more do you want?

No batteries in the Minx's scales
0 words
Reading: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman

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