campervan man

By campervan

All knowledge is a good thing

Some weeks ago I did a few Blips showing my progress in understanding my new flash gun. I feel I made significant strides towards looking almost competent with my new equipment. 
The reason for my interest was a request to act as  photographer for the Choir concert the Home Hospice had arranged as a fund raiser. The concern was tonight.I went to the Assembly Rooms with my new equipment ready for an evening taking pictures. 
The organizer met me and asked for group pictures of both choirs. We were in the well lit anti room where the singers were preparing for the evening. The members were excellent, the instruction  "get into singing formation" was given and the choirs lined up for me. Half a dozen shots of each group, a heart felt thank you from me and then back to the organizer for more instructions. That's it, he said, no shots of the concert room or audience necessary, I could go home.
Whilst I was pleased to have done the shoot I was a bit disappointing that all my new found skills with my very cheap flash gun were not needed. But, as the title says - All knowledge etc etc.
The Blip is one of my test shots to make sure all the settings were OK.

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