Long exposure (Day 1250)

So far, the day has been pretty vile. Gone are the bright blue skies of yesterday, replaced by a wind which has grown stronger all day and endless rain. 
After a wet wander up the hill with the woofers, I spent a while unloading all my kit from the van in preparation for it spending some time at the garage over the next week. 
Knowing that opportunities for any decent landscape shots would be scuppered by the wind and rain, I lugged my camera and tripod to Wasdale after lunch. Balanced on a couple of stones in the stream, I took some long exposure shots of the little waterfall whilst the woofers cavorted around in the water and mud behind me.
Soon it will be time to take my beautiful wife to the airport for a trip south to see her Mum. I will miss her whilst she is away, but I have made a list of jobs to get on with around the house before she comes back. 

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