Ooooooooo I love this silly assed pup :) It is like he's dancing for joy.
2 hours of work left.......yippee!!! Then it's the weekend. I took this photo whilst Next were delivering our new chair for in the snug.......a Snug Blip potential for the weekend :)
Looking forward to a few wee tipples and a meal out tonight.....I will be wearing a scarf tonight to hide behind and spare my blushes at The Vagina Monologues.
PS - finally got home at 1015 last night.......nearly 2 hours later than expected. And boy did I sleep well! Bless Si, he'd made a lovely curry and laid the table all nice and had a lovely bottle of wine ready. It was delicious just a shame I was so late.
Have a splendid weekend :)
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