Birthday Roses

Despite the windy chill and flurries of rain, this Sunday seemed to escape into the mists of time very quickly.
An early and reluctant visit to the gym meant I felt justified indulging in Sunday Toast at Söderberg with David and Luca, who then came back to the Dower House to try and fix a malfunctioning floor lamp. They were partially successful, but it was left to my stepdaughter’s partner to properly fix it. It seemed that I hadn’t put the bulb in far enough. It was another one of those silly halogen ones with two wire prongs, resistant to imbed firmly.

These beautiful roses were brought by the same stepdaughter as compensation for my birthday daughter not being present but 100 miles away in rural Moray.
They are not just roses, they are M&S roses -here to last for the duration. Happy Birthday Sally!

Meanwhile Poppy in Orkney has arranged our 2019 Shetland Wool Week accommodation, a feat which proved to be extremely difficult as there didn’t seem to be one Airbnb left for renting in the whole of Lerwick, and the event is still a year away! Bravo Poppy, against all the odds, you managed it!

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