Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Last gasp forest, books and music

7am in the biting cold, the North wind reminding us it's coming out of its summer slumber. But needs must, as we thought this might be our last chance to walk amongst the trees and get Sam's soil and study results before it was felled. (And it turns out it was our last chance). An hour of walking in the deepest areas, taking samples, with the dogs bemused by our testings and general doings. Cerebrally and physically frozen though.

No time to warm up, straight into town with the ferocious (not really) feline for his annual booster, as Thumper made his displeasure at being at the vets politely and gently known. Bless that cat of ours and his old soul.

But still no time for a cuppa as it was home and back out again for my first ever book club in the City thanks to the amazing Geraldine. I caught up with old friends and made new ones as we spent an hour or so reflecting on the world at large, global and local, the environment for women and teenage girls. We spent some time talking about our first book club book, it was generally a thumbs down, but our agreed next one, "Notes to Self" looks a far more engaging read.

Then home and out again to join friends for a meal at Cafe 52 followed by Mogwai at HMT. Delicious food (let's be honest, the veggie dishes at cafe 52 are always a 50/50 gamble of whether they are gorgeous or grating) and yes, something did fall off the wall at HMT courtesy of Mogwai's reverbrations, which also had the same affect on many of the humans watching, like one big middle aged yoga class...all the gaseous expulsions without the effort of stretching.

It's good to have really busy days. Distracts you from other destructive crap.

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