Rebus: Long Shadows - eventful first night.
First night of the play Rebus: Long Shadows by crime writer Ian Rankin and Rona Munro, at the Kings Theatre in Edinburgh. The drama wasn’t just confined to acting out the script - 1/2 hr into the second half Charles Lawson, the lead actor, (Rebus character), started to request prompts. After a third prompt he announced he felt faint and had to be escorted off. It was déjà vu. We were at the theatre last week and one of the main characters in Rainman became unwell a few scenes in, and the understudy stood in. Tonight after a short break a member of the small cast took on the lead roll, with script in hand, and the play ran it’s course....and the plot was unpacked. The cast, and particularly the understudy, were well applauded by the audience.
I spotted Ian Rankin in the bar at the start of the evening. Wonder if he’ll turn up tomorrow evening to see his work performed without interruption?
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