Keep your hands off my nuts:-)

What a fabulous day, and it almost feels like Summer, although it sounds like this is the calm, before the storm.  I was fast asleep last night, when J woke me up to tell me the security light in the back garden was going on and off all the time. He got dressed, and went out to investigate. Luckily, there were no intruders, so he turned it off at the switch in the garage. We took ages to get back to sleep, and today J took the light apart, and found that the sensor was faulty, so he has fitted a new one. I have been busy, washing everything I could lay my hands on, well nearly everything. I went for a walk this afternoon, and saw this squirrel doing his best to manoeuvre  the chestnut along.the ground. I managed to get quite close, but it's not as clear as I would have liked. 

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