
By Veronica

Raindrops on ...

... whatever these flowers are called. I'm feeling a bit hard done by -- as predicted it poured with rain overnight and for much of the morning, and given the forecast I decided against the Tuesday afternoon walk (I'm a fair-weather walker). 

And yet, after lunch the sun came out, it was warm and muggy, and the rain stayed away all afternoon. Of course that might not have been the case in Moussan, where the walk was, but still ... I went out, no rainwear needed,  and looked for sparkly raindrops anyway. Oh, and I see the TinyTuesday theme set by WWombat is ... water drops! I'm afraid mine are a bit scanty, but I wasn't happy with the composition of the more drippy photos.

Now the sky has clouded over again and we've had a premonitory boom of thunder, so the second wave may be coming over. Have a look at Incredibish's weather, not far from here, if you want to see actual water.

Oh, this day last year? On the beach. ::sigh::

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