
This morning the weather was really lovely. Sunshine and blue skies!
What a nice treat
We took Holly for a walk up Hencloud before lunch. 
On the way back Neil spotted mushrooms and collected them for me. He does not eat mushrooms .....
Back in the house it was time for lunch. Neils parents were coming. Good to see that mom has enough energy to get out of the house.
We had a lovely lunch together, then finished packing and got ready to hit the road. It's a 5 hours drive back home.
While loading the car Carol spotted more mushrooms on the field above the house and Neil was heading out to get them. In the end we had a big bag full, for my future breakfast or lunches. I love foraged food!
We faced the long drive, did our usual stop at Tebay Services and were home around 10 pm.
We had some food then collapsed. 

Blipping the initial foraged mushroom portion in the end we had many more.

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