Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Leonardo da Vinci at Teylers

An Indian Summer's day that made my day at Haarlem wonderful. 40 years ago I trained for RMN at Santpoort, close by to Haarlem and passed this city as a commutor from Amsterdam on daily base ~ eversince Haarlem has a soft spot in my heart... and so has its Museum Teylers.

For the coming 3 months Teylers exhibits sketches and drawings made by Leonardo da Vinci and several of his followers and/or students from his lifetime... Sketches and drawings that are now owned by UK's Royal Elizabeth II !
Precious sketches that often were studies for paintings and  it puzzled me that even some tiny pieces of papers like waste paper with such drawings were saved as precious then and ofcourse eversince.

It wasn't allowed to take pix from Leonardo's pieces on show, so I settle for this one of the musuem's entrance, what was fully allowed.

Thank you all for your kind wishes of full recovery! This bug is a nasty one, I notice, still on the mend tho'

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