Rest day
A day of enforced rest - rained most of the day, as expected. Though looks likely to clear tomorrow.
Because we still had no internet (and because we could) we popped round to a favourite cafe for morning coffee. It has internet in abundance. And heating. And I discovered the joys of brioche aux fruits, which, amazingly, I have reached this advanced age and never had before!
I again asked for 'noisette allongée' and got a black coffee with (probably) a single drip of milk in it. I called the waitress back and got some warm milk in a wee jug. Perfect. I'm giving up on the 'allongée' lark and may take up tea drinking.
After a while, JR, who hadn't brought her iPad, went off to the Post Office (closed for lunch) while I sat on (it wasn’t busy by then) and read the papers on my iPad as well as catching up on blip.
Back to the flat to await the landlady. The heating has not been coming on, despite my following instructions and twiddling of various knobs. And it has got a bit parky in the evenings. She turned a hithertoo unknown (to her) boiler switch - I didn’t want to, in case something drastic happened - and whoosh! The boiler sprung into action. It took several fiddles with router to get the wifi working again. So we're all set. She just couldn't find a TV channel with English - though she claims she can get CNN and BBC news.
Soooo, I’m cheating, these are not photos taken today, but could have been. I like following old people along wee streets. They're so picturesque and tidy. The streets are too, though I did spot a dog poo. Quel horreur!
I got my dates muxed ip - that's what happens when you post at 2.57am! Sorted now. Except that all the comments relate to yesterday's post...
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