Hot, Hotter, Hottest

Well, well, words fail me! What a ‘stotter’ of a day it has been, as we say in local parlance. It is as if nature has thrown us the last cherry on the cake before things go downhill for the winter. I can’t think of another October day when it was possible to have lunch outside in a short sleeved t-shirt and feel too hot.
Now at 4pm I’m still sitting outside and there is still not a single cloud in an azure sky, nor a breath of wind...... well maybe just a cooling whisper now and then.

It’s the kind of day when you feel justified in doing very little, other than sitting reading in the sun because you have been warned as to what is coming. Other people think the same, as the Meadows fill up with people happy to lie about and sun worship.

I haven’t noticed any barbecues being fired up, possibly because the local shop has none of them still in stock.
The beer cans are also not in evidence which is just as well since the favourite urinal tree over the railings is the one that blew down in the last gale taking all before it.

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