From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

It's too early

Amazing, isn't it? I've been eating mince pies since September. Every commercial break on the television features the 'C' word and I got an email from the office earlier in the week warning me that the organiser of the 'Torture Buffet' would be round next week with his list of party food for Tuesday the 18th of December. I usually work from home on Tuesday so I think I'll be doing the same again. What a miserable old bag I am!

I might as well just give in and wallow in it I suppose, although not completely....

Anyway, this is Ayr High Street. The Wallace Tower is glowering in dark to the left and I decided to give this scene an aged look.

Track? Too early for Christmas music so let's have a bit of vintage Deep Purple!

Child in Time

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