Mind not functioning.
Temperature having see-sawed Sat OK,Sun WAY up,Mon OK,Tue Up; Today found me, physically, about as right as can be.
Got over the door-step, late cough-bottle and a lazy Fowl, Brie & bacon butty @ M&S. The Festering season must be approaching - the "fowl" was turkey & they'd added stuffing - all very festive.
It being WednesDAY as opposed to WednesNIGHT, I was collected by Jerra & Clicky for the trip to Dobbies at Carlisle/Orton/Dalston
(Take your pick)
This is where the "Concentrate" rears its head. I had difficulty keeping mind on pertinent subject(s). Several Pinguicula macros later I hadn't much to offer.
While in M&S I spotted this lad. A scene which reminded me of this group
Alice & I saw some time ago. In case it's not obvious, I intentionally disfigured him, but the woman is M&S staff.
Well done sir say I.
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