Homeward Bound
Travelled back up to Scotland today. Always know home is near when we see the Torness Power Station and the Dunbar Cement Works! I'm beginning to feel quite sentimental about both.
We were well provisioned for the journey home by my Gran - who always keeps a full table and refuses all offers of help. Quite some woman The kids managed to hold it today for the whole visit (despite the sugar rush) though that did mean coping with a near-blinding incident on the way home.
We amused the kids with a carwash on the way home, slightly spoiled when 10 miles later a pheasant jumped the wrong way and broke not only itself, but also the radiator grill (including the little lever thingy that you pull to get the bonnet up). Still, the car came off better than the pheasant. (Anyone who's bothered - like me - will be pleased to know that the pheasant met a very very quick and definite end.)
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