
A productive day which started with a run after dropping Smallest at school.

Came home and cleaned out the chickens. Sadly one of the chicks we’ve raised has succumbed I think to coccidiosis. I had a vet appointment but she died this afternoon before we got there.

Onto the list of phone calls - the garage has finally heard from the insurance company and submitted their report, so again we wait. Haircut booked and done by 1. Eye test, cat jabs and haircut for Smallest all booked in for my next day off.

Back onto the computer and an email sent to the council to ask for a mirror opposite our drive, Brownie accounts up to date, VAT returns begun and bills paid.

I even made a lasagne for tea before dropping the girls to Scouts where they made these poppies. Now time to put my feet up and watch The Apprentice...

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