Sunny Tuesday

Went to work, worked six straight hours (thankful for a heavy breakfast!), went back home.  Shot this on the way back to the car.  These days, I sometimes feel the way I do in the weeks leading to the summer holiday.  It's warm, and it's just as motivating to go to work as it is to stay home.

Not complaining, though, as it's just so delightful to take pictures.  This is a rather modern neighbourhood in the Kop van Zuid (literally 'South Head') area.  Historically speaking, though, there were docks and warehouses here (Rotterdam is lined with docks anyway), and in one of those warehouses, Jews were detained, including infants and children, packed into trucks, and transported to Auschwitz and Sobibor.  There's a monument nearby.  Realistically speaking, the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians these days is not one strand of hair better.  All that aside, I am glad the warehouses are gone and this quiet residential area has replaced them, so peaceful you tend to forget how busy the city is.

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