Thrilled to have got my blip early this morning. It was an amazing sky, but only lasted for a few minutes. Hope you like it.
What a day, just arrived back with the dogs from a four mile walk when the phone rang and it was a friend from Aberdeen that I have not see for five years. She and her husband were down in Glasgow and invited me for a coffee at Dobbies, so I drove over there, and had a good catch up. I then left to come home and go to yoga, however when I got home, again the phone was ringing and it was the man to cut down my big cherry tree, so I had to miss  yoga. After the men left I went down to the sports centre and had another coffee with the girls from yoga. I then came home and started to clear of all the clippings and sawdust from the tree, however the rain came on and now it is pouring. I am totally worn out now, so will hopefully finish clearing up tomorrow.
Off now to pour a nice glass of wine and make my meal. Early bed for me tonight.

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