the blink of an eye

By weedave

dangerous age

well today has been one of those days you really wished you could roll over in bed and start all over again.... the morning was industrious, was not working as Ewan was complaining of another sore head and so delayed going to school ( but at least he went!).. searched internet for suitable machinery for doing a specific job and forwarded it to a client, then tidied up, did washings , filled the dishwasher etc.... then made lunch ( this was probably the start of the rest of the day)..burnt the sausages , was nearly late running Ewan to school, then spent an hour or two deleting 3,7Gb of pics off laptop..(think there were more than 5 that i meant to keep )
then made dinner whilst packing boxes for the carboot on sunday..splashed clean grey top with bolognaise sauce.. sat down to eat it and one of our friends turned up to drop stuff off ( think she needed a good moan and a glass of wine really) ended up running about like a maddy trying to get to Exploreres on time ..realised half way there I still had the most threadbare and stained pair of trainers on ( had meant to change into nice clean new ones before leaving house ) so much for "being prepared"

exploreres went well all in all ..gave them a slideshow of recent activities...good laugh
came home and grabbed camera , tripod , boots and head torch...yes that would be the head torch with NO charge !!!!....

definately hetting to that dangerous age..well thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it

went bach to local loch , different side this time , got some more nice shots ( well I like them )...waht a difference with the moon out ( and being able to focus a bit better )

hope you had a good friday.... ENJOY !!!!

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