When we got to the airport we had to
Pay for the use of a wheelchair then had s mission to get into the airport as we had no tickets. A security man found a BA flight list which we were on. We also got s card for a lounge which was nice.

The flight home was business class with a bed. Such luxury though I had a long way to get to the loo on crutches which was a struggle.

At Heathrow there was a man with a wheelchair who took us to the main area and then we got the morning flight to Newcastle. The promised taxi did not meet us so we got ourselves one - the driver's family had come from Kashmir. At the hospital we got another wheelchair and were sent to minor injuries where I got crated. They decided I needed more manipulation but I couldn't cope with the pain so got some heavy duty stuff then I was taken to the major trauma Ward. Because I might have picked up some exotic illness I have a private room. What s bonus.

It was decided as the swelling is now so bad they will
Operate tomorrow but not the proper operation. Because the skin won't knot together it will be some kind of temporary job with pins in knees and ankle and z wire cage till the swelling goes down. Then the second op. No idea when.

#2 daughter came to visit and Mr C went home. I hope the drugs work as the pain is much worse than before!

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