Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

The Singh Twins

I headed down to The Brink this afternoon for the official launch ‘do’ for ‘The Art of Falling Apart’ art exhibition. It’ll be on until 7th Jan so do pop along if you’re in Liverpool over the next few months!

The standard of art work submitted every year never ceases to impress me and this year the range of work, the plethora of styles and approaches and the diversity of the artists has once again been exceptional. Some of my favourite pieces included photographs by a teenage boy who has come to Liverpool as a refugee.

He attended the launch event along with many of the other artists, and our ever-supportive art patrons the simply superb Singh Twins. I’ve sung their praises on several occasions in this journal and with good reason. Their work combines fine art, skills in both the Indian and European traditions of painting, humour, a great depth of political and historical awareness, and big-hearted humanity, which leaves me in awe. Plus, they’re an absolute delight as people! It would be safe to say that I’m a big fan!

As ever, they spent a lot of time today talking to the artists whose work is included in the exhibition; offering encouragement, advice and support. Huge thanks to them both.

Later on, it was just a short walk to FACT for our Mental Health Film Night. We featured 3 short films by local artist Sarah-Louise Gustafson, which address her Aspergers diagnosis, and which she introduced in person. These were followed by a 10 minute extract from a new documentary made by Liverpool FC TV. This focusses on the former Liverpool player Jason McAteer and the depression he experienced following his retirement from the game. A really moving piece of film-making, which was introduced by its makers, Phil and Paul from LFCTV.

Finally, our main feature, the excellent ‘Adult Life Skills’, directed by Rachel Tunnard and starring the new star of Dr Who, the very wonderful Jodie Whittaker. A film which in which the importance of being a twin is also a key theme

Another good day!

Today’s song is for twins everywhere... ‘Two of Us’ by The Beatles

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