
By HannahA

31 Days...

Started writing my Christmas cards today! Dad still thinks it is too early to be writing Christmas cards! My Nan is already in the festive mood, she is coming round later to collect some of her Christmas decorations from the garage so that she can start putting them up right away next weekend!

I'm off to Faye's in a bit, and then from there we are going to go to Anna's where we are then going to got through some of our Christmas show dances so that they are perfect, we are then all going to walk to Theatre School to do our Christmas show rehearsals which I am looking forward to, apart from the fact that I only have a little bit of my voice left because of my stupid cold so I cant sing my solo this week:(
Dad and Elliot are off in a bit too to go and watch Brighton play!

Have a good Saturday all!

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