Visit from 2 lovely boys

I imagine my night was typical for a ward in hospital as there wasn’t much sleep to be had.

One of my roommates has a very posh English accent and is very confused, (Lady Gaga) so the poor soul continual asks where she is. The woman in the next bed shouts in a loud Liverpudlian accent “The RVI” in response, till she falls asleep and snores.

I plugged myself into a Melvyn Bragg “In our Time” about Margaret of Anjou. Of course it was so good I had to stay awake till the end. I’ll try Mariella Fostrop’s book programme tonight. Her dulcet tones usually do the trick.

I’ve just had a Physio to see me. He’s concerned about a red mark on the skin on the ankle and the doctor has been sent for as we don’t want the tight skin breaking out further complicating things. He is not optimistic that I’ll be fit to ski in January. It sound like 6 weeks in a cast after the op, then learning to walk, which is mid December.

The highlight of the day has been a visit from #2 daughter and family. Thomas made a card for me of a dinosaur with a sore leg and very neat writing. They were off to the soft play for James’s 4th birthday party. Mr C was picking up Nathaniel to take him as daddy was working and mummy had to take Ella to another party. He’ll call later.

I no sooner got hooked onto WiFi in iPad through my phone than BT said I’d reached my data limit. So I’m on an unsecured hospital network.

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