Storm Callum.

A walk down to the village this morning.the wind was so strong that a local elderly man was finding it difficult walking down the road ,a lady in front of me offered to help him ,he refused.i walk across to him being he knew me he caught hold of my arm,and when we got to the ship inn a young lady came and took him in.he said he had been in all day yestarday and needed to get out today.his wife died a few months ago and obviously lonely.this afternoon the wind eased and we went to Penzance.we picked up our new car yestarday well new to us it had only done 20.000 is a Toyota Arus again and in beautiful condition.and H wanted to go for a drive.i think the weather is improving sunday.we will take our daughter shopping and to lunch.i texted our granddaughter this morning she said it is very windy in Cardiff .she seems to be settling into uni well and made new friends.we do miss her.

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