Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yardbird #52 - Eastern Towhee

I saw a female of this species in the yard several days ago but wasn't able to get a good shot, so I was delighted when I heard one calling this morning.  I put myself in position and waited...and eventually he popped out and gave me a nice look.  I have only seen this species in my yard a few times, so being able to add him to my yardbird list this year is extra special.  Would have preferred a side view so that you could see his fine plumage, but maybe another time.  

These birds are actually in the Sparrow family, but much larger than our usual sparrows, and much fancier as well.  They are omnivores, eating grains, seeds, insects and fruit.  This fine fellow was in the pokeweed, probably eating the big ripe berries.  They tend to be furtive birds, spending much of their time in thickets and under shrubbery.

I also saw my first-of-season Dark-eyed Junco and White-throated sparrow.  The latter is right on schedule, but the junco is several weeks early.  I'm continuing to see many Purple Finches with a high count today of 15, the most I've ever seen in our garden.  They have taken over a couple of feeders and are busy eating and squabbling among themselves, as finches do.  All things are pointing towards it being a good year for "irruptive" finches in the northeast.  Keeping my fingers crossed for redpolls...

Hubs and I are headed into NY tomorrow, so we're bringing MIL over today for dinner.  Keeping it simple with roasted broccoli, a salad and a pork tenderloin.  

Off to see what else pops up in the garden!


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