M25 autumn views

Another trip to Surrey today with my parents to visit my brother and his family, as it was our turn to visit the school of my niece which had an Open Day today!  She was our tour guide so did a very good job of showing us all around - not that we're biased!

Then it was time for lunch but that turned into a bit of a farce as the garden centre we used to visit had changed their menu  - for the worst! - so after driving there and deciding we didn't like anything, we had to drive on to another one and the menu wasn't much better there but we were too hungry to care by that point! We might need to track down better eating options for our next visit - although I did end up buying yet more tulip and iris bulbs while we were there!

So back in Essex now and too exhausted to do anything but catch up with the online world and get an early night!  Still weirdly warm as well outside and has been all day, with lots of lovely sunshine. A very strange October day!

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