Polarised Opinion
Our daughter and granddog met us at Therfield Heath in Royston for a Hounds on the Heath event organised by Herts Police. The weather was positively balmy and we met lots of lovely dogs and their owners. Frankie and Ollie won a bag of duck flavoured treats each by resisting the lure of toys in Temptation Alley.
When we went back to the car to give the dogs a drink a woman parked next to us got stressed as she said her dog does not like German Shepherd Dogs. Ollie was being a very quiet and calm girl but the woman re-parked.
When we walked back to the event another woman with a male German Shepherd and a female Malinois asked us to keep away from her as her GSD doesn't like other GSDs. :(
Ollie dog was perfectly behaved around all the dogs and I was very proud of her. She did have many admirers. :)
I noticed car-park woman in the ring with her dog, a very striking mixed breed with piercing blue eyes. I liked the juxtaposition between it and her tattooed forearm and told her so. She asked me to email pics to her.
She loves the pics and has told me that she rescued her dog from Romania. He's called Polaris. As you can see from her tat she's into heavenly bodies. She told me that Polaris in Romania is a company that deals with rubbish. She said, "What one throws away is a treasure to another and not only that.. is priceless, precious and shines a beautiful light."
Ollie and I went for a lovely walk up extremely steep Church Hill afterwards and saw clustered bellflowers and small and Devil's-bit scabious blooming. I've added a montage to extras.
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