
By Mo

So much to learn, so little time

Aaaaaaaaargh. It's very hard to do this Blip stuff, especially when you go out without the camera.

Took the lads and Molly, the dog, to John Muir Country Park - which George calls "the Crunchy Park". And it was rather crunchy, actually, because the paths were still iced over. We walked through the woods. Wouldn't it be nice if I could show you a picture? Ah, well.

Popped up to Stenton tonight. Aha, thought I, I'll take my camera. Tried to take some pics at Pitcox (which I will definitely blip sometime) but discovered that lit-up phone boxes at night don't look that great unless the photographer has some clue how to set it up.

Came home, did the ironing, noticed the time and panicked.

Never mind, tomorrow's another blip ...

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