
By Thepainterswife

Our valley.

After a quick late winter blast yesterday and Friday we ended up with a nice afternoon today.
Took dogs for a good long walk.

I was pleased to hear from my brother today. They’d were taking my autistic nephew R back to his new residential school in the Hawkes Bay from Auckland. Driving takes around 6 hours each way,two days traveling really.
This time they decided that it was time to try flying, making it only 40 mins.R has never been on a plane at all. With his autism it could have gone either way, easy or a nightmare. He is non verbal so they draw pictures for him to explain things. It was a good flight my brother told me, only hiccup was when R looked out the window and must have realised that they were in the air and got a fright. My brother said R didn’t panic but the sweat started dripping off him( R not my brother!).
They quickly changed him to an isle seat and he was fine!

I’m so pleased for them, this is quite an achievement in a life full of challenges.

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