Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Escape to Redhead

I was told (and sent an email) confirming that my bag would be delivered today between 10am and 12pm.  The courier would ring on approach.   No problems I thought, I could do a spot of gardening and bits and pieces.  By 2.30pm I thought I would try and find out how far away it was.  No numbers to ring other than the general enquiry.  The number the person rang me on yesterday from Sydney didn't go through so I rang the general number and threw a hissy fit demanding someone give me an idea of when it was going to arrive.  Emirates in Dubai couldn't get through to anyone in Sydney but promised they would keep trying.  At 6 pm I got a call from the courier to say he was just on the M1 but had to drop some bags at the Central coast first.  All I can say is that Emirate lost bag department couldn't organise a root in a brothel!  Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out.  I can feel a very terse email is going to be sent.  Enough of my First world problems.  Really such a minor inconvenience compared to others.  But once I knew the courier would be at least two hours away it was in the car with the hounds and off to Redhead beach.  Nothing like a good stroll on the beach to blow the cobwebs away.  It was really low tide tonight, you rarely get to see these rocks, they are usually well under water.

Unfortunately, despite diving into the waves, it did not remove the green colouring that Poppy gave herself when she rolled in the mowed lawn today. (It is 8.09 pm and the bag is still not here - just saying).

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