Walk In The Rain

And the rain came and didn’t stop.  What a wet Saturday, but it turned into a great day to recharge our batteries.  As it is now the school holiday – there was no rugby, so we didn’t have to be out of bed at the crack of dawn.  BB and I were in our pjs for a large part of the morning.  I used the time to finish reading Gone Girl .  It has been on my “to be read” pile for a long time.  A few weeks ago I was urged to read it by a few friends who loved it and couldn’t believe I hadn’t read it.  I didn’t love it and have struggled with it, but it is finished now.  Thank goodness.  They also recommended the film – maybe it is better.

By mid-afternoon we really needed to get out of the house, so got our wet weather gear on and had a peaceful walk by the river – peaceful as we met very few other people.  Even walking back through town, we barely saw anyone.

Later we headed for the train, as we were meeting friends in Edinburgh.  We haven’t seen them for years (well, TT had met them for a drink last night after work), and they had never met BB!  However their son has moved to Edinburgh, so we may be seeing more of them.  We went out for a meal and had a really lovely catch up.

We headed for the train home and it broke down at the station before ours.  The only way to get to the car was to walk – so TT led us on a route, that I wouldn’t have much enjoyed in daylight, never mind the dark of Saturday night!

Eventually we made it home, and TT treated himself to a whisky!

Here are the boys in the rain.

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