
By tookie

Pumpkin Hunt 2018

Connected up with our portland family Saturday for the annual pumpkin hunt many families participate in....we got up in the wee hours and headed down so as to meet them at the chosen pumpkin farm at ten am!  Cowboy even rode there and back all nestled up in the rear of our car.  We met the "kids" and grandkids and their other grandma.  We all chose pumpkins and enjoyed watching the kids do a variety of activities at the farm.  The collage shows the Portland familly in the center, underneath that is our Dil and Z and M riding the little train cars, on the left is images of the kids with the wagon and on the right my son with his punkin and blipper and other grandmother with her two fisted punkins and of course Z as a baby calf!  A fun morning!  Long drive home for us but well worth the fun :)

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