Taith darganfod

Taith darganfod ~ Journey of discovery

Gweithion ni ar y tŷ yn y bore.  Rydyn ni'n ceisio tacluso'r tŷ ond mae'n anodd tan mae'r gwaith adeiladu wedi cael ei chwblhau.  Efallai'r wythnos hon... Yn y prynhawn aethon ni allan gyda Richard, Steph a Sam. Yn lle mynd i'r maes hamdden, cerddon  ni i lawr trwy'r parciau bach sy'n teimlo fel y 'cynffon' Parc y Rhath.  Dydw i ddim yn meddwl fy mod i erioed wedi bod yna o'r blaen.  Roedd y parciau yn syndod i fi.  Roedden nhw'n hyfryd gyda llawer o goed prydferth. Roedd e'n dda i ddarganfod rhai o leoedd newydd i gerdded a gwerthfawrogi

We worked on the house in the morning. We are trying to tidy up the house but it is difficult until the construction work has been completed. Perhaps this week ... In the afternoon we went out with Richard, Steph and Sam. Instead of going to the recreation area, we walked through the small parks that feel like the 'tail' of Roath Park.. I don't think I've ever been there before. The parks were a surprise to me. They were lovely with lots of beautiful trees. It was good to find some new places to walk and appreciate.

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