Gitama's World

By Gitama

Getting Old & Still Raining

As I was sitting eating my lunch today my eyes fell on the beautiful decay of this Chrysanthemum and a few of the Ranunculus in a vase on the countertop...I was going to take pics of them all together but this gorgeous specimen needed to be snapped alone.
I did focus stack it (5pics) but other than that I did very little fiddling.

I reckon if I could grow old this gracefully I would be doing very well indeed...even if a little crispy around the edges.

Its still raining cats dogs and alligators too wet to go out today and brave the camera or oneself for that only let up long enough for me to run to my car to get my tripod.

I have been spending my time getting myself organized...which is a very intense job for me...I'm doing my best.

love this......

“Time passed. Art came off the walls and became rituals. Ritual became religion. Religion spawned science. Science led to big business. And big business, if it continues on its present, mindless trajectory, could land those lucky enough to survive its ultimate legacy back into caves again.”
Tom Robbins

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