The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Rain In Spain

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We arrived in Barcelona mid-afternoon without any hiccups (other than the usual travelling family tetchiness). It was pouring with rain but was warm and as vertical rain is a rarity at home, we didn’t care. Our apartment is great (always such a relief when the photos match the reality) and very central. The Mini Princesses main concern was whether there is WiFi (there is). God forbid that they should have to resort to speaking to their parents whilst indoors!

The Mini Princesses were ‘a bit done in’, so The Prince and I abandoned them and went for a wander to get our bearings. After exploring the narrow streets, we stumbled across La Rambla and settled for a well needed refreshment.

In the evening, we went into a very odd tapas restaurant for dinner. When we arrived, the waitress enquired ‘English?’ and we nodded our assent. To our surprise, we were almost immediately presented with 4 cups of tea. Perhaps we should have corrected her and explained that we are Scottish. She probably would have brought over 4 pints of Tennants!


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