Drunk on Clouds

By oncloud9

My favorite thinking place

This morning I realized that I placed yesterday's blip in the wrong place. I apologize to all the people who left me wonderful comments.

As you might have already guessed - the shower is my favorite place to think. I don't always lay like this, but as I have a penchant for photographing my feet, it was a logical place to go for the blip. Besides, a regular shower picture does not suffice.

I'm not really sure when this became my favorite thinking place. Maybe after living with strangers in a dorm, I knew nobody would bother me in the bathroom. Don't worry, each dorm had their own bathroom, which I cleaned most of the time. I was not going to get weird foot fungus on my back.

Other than the fact that few people will bother you in the bathroom - the moment right after a shower is one of the best in the world. Freshly clean, smelling good, and hopefully relaxed.

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