my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Oldham Schools Book Award

It finally arrived! After months of planning and stress it was our Book Award Ceremony today.

The day was completely hectic, fighting off emails, last minute changes and additions to the plans...a visit to the QE Hall to check everything and then I had a run though of the film we were going to show and how we were going to live feed the show.

The authors and VIPs were due to arrive at the Hall at 6.30pm... at 5.45pm me and Miss A were still beavering away in the library...printing off the final table plan and guest list! One we changed into our posh frocks it was reminiscent of the first scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral, lots of swearing as we drove through Oldham in the Figaro!

I directed the action from the technical box with a fabulous IT guy called Mike. It went really well despite people on stage deviating from the script leading to many head in hands "WTF are THEY DOING?" moments!

But it was a fantastic night, the children, authors and VIPs loved it.

I was particularly pleased that the technical bits and the QE Hall plans went smoothly.

Blip is my view of the night - and my table plan come to life! The Youth Wind Ensemble can be seen at the front and Oldham Coliseum scenery on stage. And of course one of the winning authors collecting her award.

We did well.


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