
I’m sufferering from a sense of humour failure today, as it was impossible to have more than short naps during the night due to the constant demands of the confused old woman in the bed opposite. She shouted out as often as imaginable - she had slept most of the day so wanted a lot of attention at night when she couldn’t sleep. This meant th3 rest of us were kept awake too. Some of it was quite funny but by 4 am......

Nil by mouth again but Enough of that - good news is I had surgery this afternoon and it was successful. I’m pinned, boned and frozen.

Now I need time to heel, then get a cast when the judge the right time. After that I must get more confident on scratches and with Physio, hopefully I’ll be good to go, if not by Friday, at least early next week.

So thankful. A sleep would be good before the pain sets in!

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