Pinktober Hitchhiker
I was looking for a cactus blossom the other day in the cactus patch across the street when unbeknownst to me, something hitched a ride on my boot. Then, it must have fallen off when I went to the computer to download the pictures I had taken. When I finally saw it, it looked like some kind of insect from a distance -----but on closer inspection, I found that it is a cactus spine from some cactus in the Ferocactus group, most likely a Barrel Cactus. Just glad I didn't step on it without sturdy shoes on because that would certainly hurt! And being me, I can't pass up the chance to point out the pareidolia......It is Pinktober and time to remind everyone about the importance of breast cancer research and detection, so here is a link that will cost you nothing to click, but will help provide mammograms for those who cannot afford them.
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