A day oot; grey gave way to less grey and almost sunny at one point. A successful morning pottering about the nicer bits of EH4 and up into town. Coffee and a bagel at hers in the passing.
I met a footballing legend (Zico) as I wound my way homewards through Leith and an afternoon of catching up on paperwork.
Then to hers for dinner. And a minor skirmish with - yep - an Audi. Doing 20 in a 20, the Audi overtook me to get to a red light 100 yards ahead by fully 5 seconds. I drew alongside and pointed to the big 20 sign painted on the road and shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. As the lights changed and we pulled away together his response was to get out his phone and film me. So not content with breaking the law once, you're now doing it a second time? How are you going to explain this to the police? A cyclist pointed out the 20 mph zone so I broke the law by using my phone to record the event? Dipshit mofo....
An excellent curry and a few hours respite - school holidays seem to bring out the worst in some people - before home; very tired - to sleep soundly.
Getting my free coffee at the golden arches; thanks for all the interest / hearts / comments on the 4th year blip; much appreciated you lovely people you :)
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