Excused duties!!

A very varied day!!!

Amber’s fun and games eating the fallen figs in the ‘new garden’ yesterday had unwelcomed consequences early this morning.....enough said!!! By the time I got up at 8am the washing had been done and the drying underway.

We headed over to the ‘new house’ to quickly finish off the jobs started on Monday. We are now at the stage where I can manage the next phase on my own for a couple of weeks.

Next stop a visit to a minor ops health clinic in Lincoln. B was expecting to have an injection in each hand to treat tendon problems. When he emerged he has had surgery on one hand to release the tendon sheath. Thank goodness they have only done one one!!!! The consequences of both hands being out of action are ........we won’t go there!!!!

I’m now in charge......try telling that to Amber :0)

She has stayed at home, so no risk of any more figs :0)

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