Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Blip 999

I have been debating for a while whether to keep going or to stop,
Blip as some of you know is very addictive, but for various reasons we are slowing and stopping, unfortunately privacy setting's aren't quite enough here
(No offence there blip)
Speaking to the OH we decided blip 999 is a good place to stop, we are else were now on here, no info given out, no tags, no nothing, were as here I have posted a bit too much info about her and my family, I don't mind the info being known, it's just when it means people find you, and steal photo's when you would rather they didn't!!
It's a harsh world out there.

I have journaled so much here, I will keep this account here for as long as blip stays, so many memories to look back on, We started this January 2010, a nice little bundle to remember and recall :)
When said person finally bores and leave's us be, maybe we will pop back from time to time, who know's

for now, thank you for every heart, star, view and comment and the odd spotlight landing!!

I was struggling to know which to blip the one blipped or this one!!!


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