The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Picnic table blow-ins

We did get the children outside today, in the sensory playground. At lunchtime I sat on the bench once more, eating Thai green curry leftovers. Mmm.

After half term I'll be doing 12.5 hours per week again, instead of twenty four, so I'll only have one lunch break in the grounds. I guess i'll keep sitting the bench until it freezes. I don't stay in the nursery office, because fresh air is better for me.

So, my last swim with the children, last music session. Still exhausting, but I slept badly last night. Came home and had a bath, after we'd made a slight diversion to Rodborough to pick up some advent calendars. Now I'm watching Autumnwatch New England and eating supper on the sofa. Only two more work shifts until my half term break!

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