Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Stinky Sealions ....

Up with the larks .. actually earlier than the larks .. off to Heathrow to join the throngs of people going off on adventures ... we spent just over 10 hours on Virgin Atlantic’s finest airbus thingywhasssit so that we could explore a tiny portion of the west coast of the USA .. landed in San Francisco at 1.45 their time and by 4pm we were off on a 4.9 mile hike to the Golden Gate Bridge ... got to stay awake you see as it was bedtime back in the UK .
We loitered underneath the bridge area absolutely freezing .. I forgot how cold SF can be with that wind chill ... then we traipsed back to our hotel and ordered room service as to be brutally honest I was weeping with the need to shut my eyes ...
it’s now 8pm here and we are all in bed .. lightweights ....

Photo is one of my favorite things ever , the stinky noisy (they bark) sea lions who reside always at pier 39 . I loved these huge beasts the first time I saw them, they seem even cuter this time around . Don’t think I’ll be allowed one of these to go with our menagerie ...

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