By Fee1


I found this album at a record Fayre today!! 1973, this was released, same year I was born!!! (can anyone confirm the female model with Bowie to be Twiggy??!)

I so miss the tactile experience of buying music these days!!! I used to love looking at an album cover and flicking through the book of words that would be enclosed inside the album sleeve.

Nowadays my daughter just gets frustrated when I've to ask for her help every 2 seconds when I try to buy music from that well known 'fruit' brand!!!!! Somehow it's not the same downloading an album onto my phone or mp3!!! (which I believe I only 'rent' the music, I don't actually own it in my own right?!) huh!!!!!

Moan over.

Note to myself......I must try harder to get 'down with the kids!!!!!!' (or should I just wallow in the sweet memories of vinyl??!!)

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