a new year!

By Thesalh70

Happy 21st to Kirsty and Beth

I think this week has been 2 weeks rolled into 1! It's been one hell of a long week. Dark damp mornings, dark damp evenings, the most awful week for traffic I can remember!

Thank goodness for Friday. I was exhausted and in need of a lie in this weekend. But with party's galore, it's going to be Sunday when I can rest a little.

Today is Kirsty's 21st and also Beth's.

Had a good day in the office, feels like I've not been in for ages, so great to be home.

After work we are off to fat cats for Beth's birthday. Great meal and drinks, the start of party weekend!

Taxi home and in by midnight. What a weekend ahead! The last before I get beagle pete!

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