tour de tay

Today was the annual pre-AGM club ride for our local bike 'club'. The weather was good if cold, everyone was out in their tops, the only slight drawback was a) I'd not been on a bike in a good few months, and b) I have the usual start-of-winter-cold from too much travelling and being exposed to every germ known to man thanks to our plague rat children.

A nicely paced start from Abernethy to Newburgh, Wormit, Newport, across the Tay Bridge, then the pace picked up as we headed to Errol for lunch. We stopped at an ex-Abernthyites for lunch (delicious soup with bacon rolls and coffee!) then back via Perth.

After lunch I just couldn't keep up until finally at Bridge of Earn I fell well off the back and toddled home at my own pace. Despite that it was a great day out, good cycling, good to be out and doing something after too many weekends taken up with the zillions of other jobs that seem to need done all the time.

A hot bath when I got back, tablet that +1/2 had just made and a cup of coffee whilst in the bath. Aaaaaah.

The Tay was incredibly smooth; hardly a ripple.

Cubs swimming gala in the early evening then off to the AGM proper when I won the much coveted award "King of the Call-off". +1/2 got the slightly more illustrious "Best Crash".

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