Trafalgar Night

A coffee, laundry out and then off to the hotel to set up for tonight’s dinner.
Trafalgar Night is the celebration of the victory won by the Royal Navy, commanded by Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, over the combined French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805 and the RNA normally holds its celebration on the nearest Friday to the 21st.
Within the service Trafalgar Night is normally an officers celebration with NCO’s celebrating ‘Pickle Night’ and that’s a whole different story.
The dinner went ahead and was a great success, guest speaker, Captain Mike Nixon RN OBE was in turn informative and funny.
(Describing a chicken as contributing to breakfast whilst the pig commits)
All present enjoyed their tot and it was a great evening.
Clare collected me on her way home from work and we arrived home together to find the remnants of Joshua’s party.
So we all had a good night.

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