Further Afield

We had a leisurely start to the day then, a few jobs done such as cleaning the kitchen windowsill, we went out for the first of Tony's daily walks.  This time we wandered up the street, in to Deepcliff Wood and up on to the Moor.  The Badger Stones are a great place to enjoy a view, even if it is a little spoiled by the powerlines heading towards the transmission station I once passed each day on my cycle ride to work (haven't done that in a while!)

We haven't had any rain in some time after those few days of heavy downpours, so the tracks are dry and the stream in Deepcliff almost unmoving.  We passed Jo on her morning run, Becky was out there on hers too somewhere. The autumn colours are well on, with the bilberry fading to red amongst the copper coloured bracken.

It was a quiet, enjoyable meander with birdsong in the woodland and lots of squirrels busy burying provisions for winter.

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